Well, if you’re lookin’ to get a grip on that Controlling Partner in Persona 3 Reload, then you’re gonna need to listen up. I ain’t gonna lie, this one ain’t no easy critter to deal with. You gotta come prepared, like when you’re makin’ pies for the whole family. Ain’t no shortcut here, that’s for sure!
Now, this here Controlling Partner, it’s a tough one. Got no weaknesses, nothin’ that can easily bring it down, no sir. It’s like a bull in a china shop, just charging through any attack you throw at it. If you try to hit it with strike attacks, slash attacks, light magic, or dark magic, it ain’t gonna budge, no matter how hard you try. It’s like throwin’ a stone into the ocean—ain’t gonna make a dent!

But don’t get too upset just yet. You ain’t completely powerless against this beast. You gotta be clever, just like when you’re working in the garden. You don’t need fancy tricks, just a little patience and the right tools. The best thing you can do against the Controlling Partner is focus on using magic attacks that it ain’t nullifying. That way, you might find a chink in its armor. But let me tell ya, it’s a tough one.
Now, you may be wonderin’ about the Dependent Partner. Well, this one’s a little different, but don’t get too excited. It’s weak to pierce attacks, so if you got a weapon or magic that can do that, you might be in luck. But be careful—this one’s got its own tricks up its sleeve too. It can nullify a whole mess of things like fire, ice, wind, electric, dark, and light magic. Ain’t nothing simple with these partners, that’s for sure.
If you’re looking to understand how the Controlling and Dependent Partners stack up against each other, here’s the rundown: The Controlling Partner is gonna be your tougher foe. Why? Because it doesn’t have any weaknesses to exploit, and it nullifies several different types of attacks, like I said before. So, if you’re used to dealing with enemies that have a weak spot, this one might throw you for a loop. You’ll have to rely on your best abilities and tactics to wear it down.
On the other hand, the Dependent Partner’s weakness is a bit more straightforward. If you hit it with a pierce attack, it’ll go down a whole lot easier. However, you need to watch out for the magic it can nullify. If you got any kind of spell in mind that ain’t pierce, you might want to think twice before using it. Save that for something else, unless you enjoy a good wasted effort.
Let’s not forget some of the bosses you might face while dealin’ with these two. Like the Cowardly Maya, a real tough one. You’ll find her in the Monad Door Detour on Floor 91. She’s a magic-heavy enemy that don’t have any weaknesses, so you gotta focus on survivin’ the hits and doin’ what you can. Ain’t no magic gonna save you here, so keep your wits about ya. Also, her resistances are pretty much the same—ain’t none to speak of. So, don’t be expectin’ any easy wins. She’s all about strength and persistence.
And then there’s the Deviant Convict, found on Floor 90. It’s got a nice chunk of health, so don’t think you’re just gonna waltz in and take it out. Like the Maya, it don’t have weaknesses, but it’s also got no resistances. So, you’re gonna have to hit it hard and keep up the pressure, just like when you’re making the daily chores count.
So, what can we learn from all this? Well, first off, don’t expect any easy shortcuts with these enemies. Whether it’s the Controlling Partner or the Dependent Partner, you’ll need the right strategy and a good mix of abilities to beat ’em. Remember, it ain’t just about strength—it’s about finding the right weaknesses and exploiting ’em. Know your enemy, and don’t go in half-baked, or you’ll be in for a long day.
Now, don’t let all this talk of bosses and strategies get you all flustered. Just take your time, plan your moves, and don’t rush in like a bull in a china shop. With a little patience and the right tools, you’ll be ready to tackle anything Persona 3 Reload throws your way!

Tags:[Persona 3 Reload, Controlling Partner, Dependent Partner, P3RE, Persona 3 Remake, boss strategies, weaknesses, magic attacks, pierce attacks, Persona 3 Reload guide]